Understanding Your ERS Annual Statement
Understanding Your ERS Personal Statement of Retirement Benefits
March, 2025
Your ERS Personal Statement of Retirement Benefits is now available!
Your statement includes:
- Your data presented in colorful and visually appealing charts and graphs
- Valuable information to provide your at-a-glance retirement snapshot
- ERS pension benefits
- Peach State Reserves (PSR) balances (if applicable)
- If you have a PSR balance, a Social Security estimate will be factored into the summary
Important! Review your information and beneficiaries to make sure all information is correct.
Access your statement today!
Viewing your statement online:
ERSGA Website: Log in to your account using the Log In button at the top of any page. Click Personal Correspondence to see your statement.
GaBreeze: Available if you have a PSR balance. Go to the Message Center Secure Mailbox tab.
Mailed Statements
For those without an electronic delivery preference, statements
are mailed in early March.
GaBreeze Go Green initiative: Members who selected electronic
delivery preference on GaBreeze will not receive paper
statements through USPS.