Open Records Request


Open Records Request

How do I obtain public records?

ERSGA is committed to conducting business in a manner that complies with all legal requirements, fosters confidence in state government, and promotes efficient and effective operations. ERSGA recognizes the importance of communicating information to citizens and other interested parties and will cooperate in supplying requested information which is considered a matter of public record.

Georgia Open Records Act

The Georgia Open Records Act establishes the right to inspect and/or receive public records, excluding those records that are specifically exempted by court order or law. Please see note below regarding exemptions.*

After receiving your request, ERSGA will notify you within three (3) business days if there are records responsive to your request and if the records requested are subject to release. The response will be provided in written format and will be sent via email when possible.

Responses and Fees

Responses shall include the cost to search, retrieve, copy, redact, and/or supervise inspection of the requested document(s). The cost represents the hourly rate of the lowest paid full-time employee who has the necessary skills and training to respond to your request. There is no charge for the first 15 minutes. The fee for letter or legal size copies is $0.10 per page. Other types of documents or electronic media are charged based upon ERSGA’s expense to reproduce the record. Where fees for certain records are otherwise prescribed by law, such specific fees shall apply. Payment is required upon receipt of the records. 

Some records are not readily accessible.  In these instances, a timeline will be provided as to when the records will be available.

To inspect and/or receive records:

*As a matter of information, OCGA 47-1-14(b)(4) provides that certain records in the possession of the retirement system are exempt from inspection as follows: “Any business, financial, or personal information in the possession of such retirement system concerning a party other than such retirement system.”