Personal Statement of Retirement Benefits FAQ


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1. Why did I get a statement that only shows my ERS pension benefit?

If you do not have a balance in the PSR 401(k) or PSR 457 plan, then no Social Security estimate or PRS information was included on the statement. Your statement will only show your ERS pension benefit.

2. I am an ERS member. Why didn’t I get a statement?

There are a few scenarios in which ERS statements were not generated:

  • Old Plan members
  • no ERS pension contribution in December (or on leave without pay)
  • retirement (Service or Disability) in process
  • account information not up to date when the statements were generated

Use the Log In button at the top of any page to access your account and generate an estimate.

3. I recently moved and didn’t get my statement.

These statements are available through GaBreeze and the ERSGA secure website

You can see your statement under View Personal Correspondence on the ERSGA secure website after logging into your account using the Log In button at the top of any page. 

If you are participating in Peach State Reserves, you can also access the statement on GaBreeze, go to the Message Center Secure Mailbox tab.  You can review and print your statement from either of these locations.

Please update your address with your employer so any future correspondence will be sent to your correct address.

4. My statement is as of age 65. Can I retire earlier?

The statement shows age 65 benefits to more closely match Social Security.  You may choose to retire at any time once you are eligible. To get more information, log in to your ERSGA account and generate an estimate. Section 6 of the ERS Handbook reviews benefits eligibility.

5. Why does my Social Security benefit not match what I’ve been provided by the Social Security Administration?

An estimate from Social Security will be more accurate. For this statement, we have estimated your Social Security benefit based on your most recent state salary. Social Security uses your full earnings history.

6. Why was 80% selected for the retirement income goal?

80% is an estimate based on recommendations from various financial experts. It is the portion of pre-retirement pay retirees often need to maintain their standard of living during retirement. Your needs may differ.

7. Do I have to retire on the dates shown on the statement?

No, you may choose to retire at any time once you’re eligible, even if you have not reached your suggested goal listed on the statement.  To get more information, log in to your ERSGA account and generate an estimate.  See the ERS Handbook for benefits eligibility.

8. Do I have to work until I achieve my retirement goal?

No, you may choose to retire at any time once you are eligible, even if you have not reached your suggested goal.

9. Based on my statement, I am not going to meet my goal. How can I get help or what do I need to do?

GSEPS members should consider increasing contributions in their PSR 401(k) account, especially if they’re not saving at least 5% to maximize the employer match.

New Plan members should consider saving additional retirement funds in a PSR account. Members already contributing to a PSR account should consider increasing their contributions.

There are tools and services available to help you, both online or through advisors. Access your GaBreeze account online and go to Savings and Retirement > Peach State Reserves > Get Investment Advice. If you would like to talk to someone, contact GaBreeze at 1-877-342-7339.

10. Why are my outside assets not included in this statement?

Only ERS benefits, Peach State Reserves, and Social Security are included in the statement. You can view your retirement projection on GaBreeze, and any other assets you have already added will be included in that projection. You may input additional outside assets under the Project Your Income tool. You can do this by accessing your GaBreeze account online at and go to Savings and Retirement > Peach State Reserves > Account Summary > Projected Monthly Retirement Income.

11. How can I get more information about my estimated monthly benefits?

For your pension benefit, you can log in to your ERSGA account.

For your PSR 401(k) or 457 benefits, you can visit GaBreeze and go to Savings and Retirement > Peach State Reserves > Get Investment Advice.

The statement is based on data as of December 31st of the previous year, whereas estimates generated on the web sites use current data, so projections may be different.

12. Why is there a shortfall when my estimated retirement income is already 80%?

The monthly income shows what you would have in your first year of retirement.  Not all of your retirement income is fully protected against inflation.  You will need additional retirement savings in order to protect against inflation after retirement.

13. Why is the monthly pension amount different on page one and page two?

The amount on page one is calculated at age 65; page two is calculated as of your normal retirement date under ERS.

See Question 15 for a description of the normal retirement benefit.

14. What is an accrued benefit?

The benefit you have earned considering service and pay as of the statement date. If you are vested (10 years of service), this benefit is payable on your normal retirement date.

15. What is a projected normal retirement benefit?

This a benefit that is calculated assuming you work in an ERS-covered position at your current rate of pay until the assumed retirement date. It is an estimate only.

16. My statement shows my earliest retirement date. How much will I get if I retire on that date?

Log in to your ERSGA account to generate an estimate.

17. Do you have to reduce my GTLI benefit (New Plan)?

The GTLI benefit reduces at retirement or age 60, whichever is earlier. See the ERS handbook for more information.

18. Why is my pension amount on the statement different from what is listed on the ERSGA website?

This statement is intended to give you an estimate of your retirement benefits and may vary from other sources due to the timing of each. For the most up-to-date information, log in to your account and run a Benefit Estimate.

19. Some of the pension information on my statement is not what I expected. What should I do?

Log in to your ERSGA account and select Audit My Account to submit a request. Your request will be processed in the order received and you will be notified of the results of the audit.

20. What about my other plan benefits with ERSGA (PSERS, GDCP, LRS, JRS)?

This statement covers your ERS retirement benefit only. Benefit information for other ERSGA plans can be found on the ERSGA website.

21. Why are my investment elections on the statement not where my current contributions are going?

This could be due to timing; the statement is as of  December 31st. You can review your current elections by logging into GaBreeze and viewing your investment summary.

22. Can I withdraw or borrow money from my PSR or pension plan?

Loans are not available from the plans and you may not receive money from your pension plan while actively employed. However, you may be eligible to withdraw funds from Peach State Reserves while actively employed. Please contact GaBreeze for any eligibility inquiries.

23. Where are my beneficiaries?

Beneficiaries are listed by plan on the last page of the statement. If you do not see beneficiaries on this statement, log in to your ERSGA and/or GaBreeze account to designate your beneficiaries. Please note, both your pension (ERSGA) and Peach State Reserves (GaBreeze) benefits require a separate beneficiary designation. You may designate the same beneficiary(ies) for both ERS pension and PSR benefits.  

For more information about designating beneficiaries, see the ERS Handbook and the PSR Handbook.

24. Why wasn’t I mailed a Combined Pension & PSR Statement?   

You’ve requested electronic delivery of your information, therefore, your account statement was sent to your secure mailbox on your GaBreeze account, as well as your correspondence folder on the ERSGA secure website.  You can review and print your statement from either of these locations.