Retirees: Important 1099-R Information for Your 2024 Tax Filing
January 28, 2025


2024 Tax Documents

If you received pension payments, a lump-sum refund, or a death benefit as a beneficiary during the 2024 calendar year, these payments have been reported to the Internal Revenue Service.

Individual retirees and beneficiaries will receive a 1099-R form for Qualified Plans and W-2 for Non-qualified Plans to submit when filing income taxes. Some retirees may receive more than one of the above listed forms if they received more than one type of payment. (For example, a payment as a beneficiary of another member’s benefit and monthly benefit payments from their own retirement.)

The 1099-R and W-2 show the total amount of pension payments for the calendar year, as well as total federal and state income tax withheld. The 1099-R and W-2 forms are necessary when filing your income tax returns.

All 1099-Rs and W-2s were mailed by January 24, 2025. In addition, 1099-R forms are currently available by logging in to your secure online account. To learn more about 1099-R forms, please visit our FAQ and Understanding Your 1099-R pages for additional information. 

If you have any questions regarding the changes to the information displayed in Box 5, please review Important Update: Box 5 on Your 1099-R Form.

To view, print, or download your 1099-R tax forms at any time through your secure ERSGA online, please follow these steps:

  • Login or register through the following link:
  • Once you are logged in, click the ‘View 1099R’ button. You will see a list of each 1099-R we have issued to you. 
  • Click the ‘View 1099R’ button on the right to view, print, or download. A hard copy will also be mailed to you by the end of January, if your address on file is valid.