
GASB Information
May 2024

GASB 68 Audited Plan Statements Now Available!

The June 30, 2023 GASB 68 Actuary Reports for the Employees’ Retirement System (ERS), Georgia Judicial Retirement System (JRS), Legislative Retirement System (LRS) and Public Schools Employees Retirement System (PSERS) have been published and are available for 2024 financial reporting. These new actuary reports provide each employer’s proportionate share of the plan’s net pension liability. The statements also provide employers with a calculated pension expense and deferred inflows and outflows of resources as of June 30, 2023. 

In addition to the 2023 GASB 68 Actuary reports for the plans above, ERSGA will also provide individual employer reports to applicable employers. The individual reports include the GASB 68 required note disclosures, supplementary information and journal entries. Please contact your agency head or chief fiscal officer if you need this information for the preparation of your agency or county financial reports. 


GASB Document Archive 2015-2022