Workshop for Retirement Answers and Preparation (WRAP)
WRAP Your Way!
Getting ready to retire? Receive the retirement help you need in one of four convenient formats:
WRAP Online
Learn everything you need to know about applying for retirement from the comfort and safety of your own home. These presentations are available for convenient viewing, simply by clicking on the below links:
WRAP videos are in three separate sections:
- WRAP: ERS Pension and completing Retirement Online
- Peach State Reserves (PSR) 401(k) and 457
- Flexible Benefits
You can find the presentations in the WRAP Playlist on our YouTube channel.
State Health Benefits Plan: (SHBP)
Use the link below to learn more about continuing your health insurance in retirement.
Planning to Retire - Health Benefits
ERSGA: Log in to your personal account at the top of any page of this website
PSR and Flexible Benefits: http://gabreeze.ga.gov
MORE: My Official Rewards Experience – discount program
WRAP on Zoom
Learn everything you need to know about applying for retirement from the comfort and safety of your own home.
Important! Please ensure you can use Zoom on your device, as ERSGA will be unable to assist with individual technical issues.
Register for a WRAP Zoom presentation by clicking one of the dates below.
All sessions begin promptly at 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Thursday, April 10, 2025
Thursday, May 8, 2025
Thursday, June 12, 2025
Thursday, July 17, 2025
Thursday, August 14, 2025
Thursday, September 18, 2025
Thursday, October 23, 2025
Thursday, November 13, 2025
Thursday, December 11, 2025
WRAP In-Person
Do you want to attend a WRAP presentation at the ERSGA offices in Atlanta? Pre-registration is required and sessions are limited to 30 attendees. Each attendee can bring one guest. All attendees and guests will need to show Photo ID upon entering our building.
- 8:30 am Doors Open at Two Northside 75, Atlanta 30318
- 9:00 am Flexible Benefits
- 9:30 am State Health Benefits (SHBP)
- 10:30 am Break
- 10:45 am MORE – My Official Rewards Experience
- 11:00 am Employees’ Retirement System (ERS)
- 12:00 pm Peach State Reserves (PSR)
To register for a WRAP, click on your preferred date below. If that WRAP is already full, try another date. Please DO NOT arrive for a WRAP unless you have Pre-registered for it.
TRAC – Individual Total Retirement Awareness Counseling
If you’re retiring within the next six months, TRAC is a phone or Zoom appointment with one of our retirement experts to help you prepare for your retirement. Topics reviewed include:
- Retirement Options
- Estimates
- PLOP ( Partial Lump sum Option Payment)
- Escalating Option
- Air Time purchase at retirement
- State Health Benefit Plan (SHBP) Overview
- Social Security
- Peach State Reserves (PSR)
- Lifetime Annuity purchase after retirement
Please schedule a week in advance of your desired appointment date so we can prepare for your personalized meeting.
Members must have a current estimate prior to the appointment.
Call us at 404.350.6300
Toll Free: 800.805.4609 (outside metro Atlanta area)
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