ERS One-Time Payment Post-Retirement Benefit Adjustment
June 2024


ERS one-time payments for June 2024 have been processed.  Only active payees (retirees or beneficiaries) at the time the one-time payment was processed will receive this payment.* 

Those with direct deposit should see the deposit within three business days of the check date 06/28/2024. 

The one-time payment will be equal to 4.75% of the annual ERS benefit in pay as of June 2024, to a maximum payment of  $568.92.

To be eligible for this one-time payment, the retiree or beneficiary must meet the following stipulations:

  • must receive a monthly benefit during June 2024 – this one-time payment will not be paid in a subsequent month
  • must have a retirement effective date on or before 06/01/2023
  • non-disability retiree’s Normal Retirement Date must be on or before 06/01/2023**

Other conditions:

  • not available to GSEPS retirees with a membership date on or after 07/01/2009 (this group is specifically excluded by statute from receiving post retirement adjustment payments)
  • no one-time payment will be made based on the receipt of a SGLI monthly annuity

If a survivor benefit is spread between multiple beneficiaries, each beneficiary will share proportionally in the one-time payment described above, so that the total one-time benefit payable on behalf of the deceased member does not exceed a payment of $568.92.

*The amount allotted to ERS for the one-time payment was allocated to the active payees based on eligibility. 

**Note:  Normal Retirement is age 60 with at least 10 years or 30 years at any age.  Those retired under Early Retirement must have reached age 60, or what would have been 30 years of service, at least 12 months prior to June 2024.