GDCP Employer Manual
1. Introduction
Welcome to the Georgia Defined Contribution Plan (GDCP) Employer Manual. This manual is a valuable tool to assist you in guiding new employees through the enrollment process and reporting ongoing Member data and contributions to ERSGA.
Over time ERSGA will provide updates to reflect changes in statutory provisions or ERSGA policy. Notification of these updates will be communicated by email, website announcement, or the Retirement Minute.
Within each section you will find information summarizing important Plan provisions and describe key processes and procedures. The Employer page contains additional materials and information, including downloadable forms and other Plan manuals. For more information about the GDCP Plan, visit the GDCP page.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you for your partnership!
2. Contact Information
2.1 Mailing Address
Two Northside 75 NW
Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30318
2.2 General Email Address
General email address:
2.3 Employer Services (ES)
General ES email:
ESD Representative Contact List (file will automatically download)
ES Responsibilities:
- Adjustments of Contributions to Prior Periods
- Change in Employer Contact Information
- Contribution Reporting
- Earnable Compensation Definition
- Invoices
- Plan Contribution Rates
- Plan Membership Eligibility and Enrollment
- Re-Employment Before and After Retirement
- Rehired Retiree Reporting
- Special Reporting Situations
2.4 Customer Care Group (CCG)
CCG Email:
ERSGA Phone numbers: General Member and Employer related calls
Toll free number: 800.805.4609
Local number: 404.650.6300
Fax: 404.350.6310
2.5 Member Services Division
- Application for Refund
- Service Retirement
- Disability Retirement
- Death of Member
- Estimate Requests
- Forfeited Leave
- Member Statements
- Retirement Counseling
- Service Purchase and Transfer
- Workshop for Retirement Answers and Preparation (WRAP)
3. ERSGA Overview
An overview of the Employees Retirement System of Georgia (ERSGA).
3.1 ERSGA History and Purpose
The Employees’ Retirement System of Georgia (ERSGA) was created to administer retirement benefits for State of Georgia Employees under the Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) and other pension plans. ERSGA was established on February 3, 1949, as provided by laws enacted through the Georgia General Assembly.
ERSGA administers the following pension plans:
- Employees’ Retirement System (ERS)
- Public School Employees Retirement System (PSERS)
- Legislative Retirement System (LRS)
- Georgia Judicial Retirement System (JRS)
- Georgia Defined Contribution Plan (GDCP)
- Georgia Military Pension Fund (GMPF)
- In addition, ERSGA also administers:
- The State Employees Assurance Department (SEAD) insurance program
- Peach State Reserves (PSR) 401(k) and 457 plans
A Board of Trustees is responsible for the administration of ERS and other pension plans. Daily operations are under the direct administration of the Executive Director and staff of ERSGA. The laws governing ERSGA provide service retirements, death benefits and disability benefits, and permit refunds of contributions and interest to Members who leave State employment. Employee and Employer contributions are paid into the retirement fund for the welfare of Members and their beneficiaries.
The mission of ERSGA is to be the guardian of the retirement systems it administers for the ultimate benefit of the Members, retirees and beneficiaries of those systems. This mission is accomplished through ERSGA’s core responsibilities which include pension administration; the collection, reconciliation and disbursement of contributions for the welfare of the Members, retirees and beneficiaries of the plans; and the sound and secure investment of the retirement funds.
Our Vision is to demonstrate an unwavering commitment to delivering accurate and timely retirement benefits utilizing a knowledgeable staff and state-of-the-art technology to best serve the retirement needs of current and future Members.
Core Values
Customer Service
Operational Excellence
Continuous Improvement
4. ERSGA Administered Retirement Plans
ERSGA has the responsibility of administering the following retirement plans as mandated under Title 47 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.).
4.1 Plans under ERSGA
Employees’ Retirement System (ERS)
Largest and oldest defined benefit plan; established January 1, 1950, to provide retirement pension and benefits to full-time eligible state and local Employees. (O.C.G.A. 47-2)
- GSEPS: A combination Defined Benefit/Defined Contribution program. New full-time Employees to state government eligible for ERS membership hired on or after January 1, 2009 are enrolled in GSEPS. Rehired Employees on or after January 1, 2009 with prior refunded or lost ERS memberships are also enrolled in GSEPS.
- New Plan: Eligible Employee memberships established between July 1, 1982 and December 31, 2008
- Old Plan: Eligible Employee memberships established prior to July 1, 1982
Public School Employees Retirement System (PSERS) O.C.G.A. Title 47 Chapter 4
Defined benefit plan created January 1, 1970 to provide retirement pension and benefits to eligible public school Employees.
Legislative Retirement System (LRS) O.C.G.A. Title 47 Chapter 6
Defined benefit plan created July 1, 1967 to provide retirement pension and benefits to eligible Members of the Georgia General Assembly.
Georgia Judicial Retirement System (JRS) O.C.G.A. Title 47 Chapter 23
Defined benefit plan created July 1, 1998 to provide retirement pension and benefits to eligible judicial branch Employees within state and local government; specifically, superior, state and juvenile court judges, district attorneys, solicitors-general and other state prosecuting attorneys.
Georgia Defined Contribution Plan (GDCP) O.C.G.A. Title 47 Chapter 22
Defined contribution plan created July 1, 1992 to provide a retirement system for temporary, seasonal and part-time Employees of eligible state agencies, departments, bureaus, institutions, boards, or commissions of the State of Georgia, including the State Board of Education and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
State Employees’ Assurance Department (SEAD) O.C.G.A. Title 47 Chapter 19
Created in 1963, provides governance for the administration of the Georgia Employees’ Group Term Life Insurance Plan (GTLI) for eligible state and local Employees.
Georgia Military Pension Fund (GMPF) O.C.G.A. Title 47 Chapter 24
Provides supplemental retirement allowances for eligible Members of the Georgia National Guard; created July 1, 2002.
Georgia Peach State Reserves (PSR) – Deferred Compensation 457 Plan O.C.G.A. Title 45 Chapter 18 Section 30; 401(k) Plan O.C.G.A. Title 45 Chapter 18 Section 50
Peach State Reserves is offered by the State of Georgia to eligible Employees to provide an opportunity to save for retirement while reducing current taxable income and accumulating tax-deferred savings. Peach State Reserves offers two Deferred Compensation/Defined Contribution Plans for Employees to take advantage of: a 401(k) Plan and a 457 Plan. Employers may contact GaBreeze for additional information (1-877-342-7339 or
5. Enrollment
The Georgia Defined Contribution Plan (GDCP) was created by the 1992 Georgia Law, Act 996 effective July 1, 1992.
5.1 Membership Eligibility
Required Members include any temporary, seasonal, or part-time Employees of:
- Departments, bureaus, institutions, boards, or commissions of the State of Georgia
- The State Board of Education
- The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia
Excluded from membership are:
- Employees working for an institution who are regularly enrolled and attending classes at that institution who meet IRS student exclusion criteria
- Employees qualified as bona fide independent contractors
- Members of any state board or commission
- Active or retired Employees of ERS, LRS, JRS, or TRS
Members of GDCP should only be covered for Medicare. There is no Social Security coverage.
5.2 Maximum Compensation
GDCP is a multiple-employer defined contribution plan established by the Georgia General Assembly in July 1992. The plan compensation limits are covered by federal Internal Revenue Code (IRC) § 401(a). Per O.C.G.A. 47-1-13, the compensation used in computing Employee contributions shall be the maximum compensation set forth in IRC § 401(a) (17).
Note: Anyone who became a Member of a public retirement or pension system prior to the calendar year beginning January 1, 1996 is not subject to the limits of IRC § 401(a)(17).
5.3 Plan Contribution Rates
- The Employee contributions to GDCP are deducted by payroll deduction and submitted to ERSGA each month.
- GDCP does not have an Employer contribution.
- All GDCP Members contribute 7.5% of their gross compensation.
5.4 Tax Status of Contributions
As a Social Security replacement plan, Employee contributions must be deducted from Member pay after federal and state taxes have been paid.
5.5 The Enrollment Process
GDCP has an electronic enrollment process for new and rehired Employees. Membership accounts are created electronically based on data transmitted in the monthly detail file from all File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Employers or online through the Employer Reporting portal for manual Employers. Employers are required to provide the following demographic data for successful enrollment of each new Employee:
- Valid Social Security Number
- Full Legal Name
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Valid Address
- Valid Contribution Group Code (as designated in your payroll system)
- Valid Plan Eligibility date (also required for rehires or transfers, and anyone with a plan or contribution group change)
Upon receipt of detail data for any new Employee to the system, membership and enrollment records are created assigning a unique pension identification number to the account. Upon receipt of detail data for any rehired former plan Member, the account is reactivated and enrollment records are updated.
6. Active Member Reporting
The Georgia Defined Contribution Plan (GDCP) was created to provide retirement benefits to temporary or part-time Employees who are not eligible to participate in ERS or TRS.
The plan is a social security replacement plan. All earnings are subject to GDCP withholding.
Per the GDCP statute, “Each member shall contribute 7 1/2 percent of such member’s gross salary.” [O.C.G.A. 47-22-8].
Employers must report the gross compensation to GDCP each month.
6.1 Contribution Reporting
Employer Responsibilities
Pension Plan contributions are reported to GDCP on a monthly basis. There are three components required in the reporting process:
- Monthly summary report: This report is used to submit earnable compensation and appropriate retirement contributions due for the payroll reporting period.
- Employee detail data: A Member record must be submitted for all eligible GDCP Employees. Consult the employer record file layout for the detail of the Member record. The record should include SSN, demographic information, salary and contributions, percent time worked, etc.
- Contribution payment: The total of the Employee and Employer contributions. All contribution payments must be submitted by wire transfer.
The deadline for each Employer to complete the process is the 1st of each month.
All Employers reporting GDCP Members are required to do so online using the employer reporting portal. The ERSGA online employer reporting module allows Employers to submit all components safely, securely, and efficiently.
6.2 Using the ERSGA Employer Reporting Portal
Users must be registered to report data. A unique user ID and password are required for access to the Employer secure portal. Upon submitting a completed contact form, designated payroll or human resources personnel at the Employer agency are added to the ERSGA employer contact database.
If you are a new Employer and you are unaware of your Employer code, please refer to Appendix 1. New users can use the Employer Reporting Quick Reference Guide provided on the ERSGA website to assist them with the Employer Reporting registration process. Once the user is registered, they will log in to the portal using the new user ID and password.
Passwords should not be shared! GDCP must be notified whenever there is a change in payroll or human resources personnel.
Maintain Bank (ACH) Info (for all Employers using Web ACH)
The Maintain ACH Details page is used by Employers to set up ACH for each plan reported. This must be done prior to entering and submitting any report information. The following tasks must be completed to set up ACH:
- Select GDCP on profile maintenance
- Provide the routing and bank account number for the account to be debited
Upon submitting your summary report, ERSGA will debit the account for the net payment due (as determined by the summary report total) within three business days. (Use Quick Reference Guide for instructions)
Maintain Monthly Summary Report (all Employers)
The Maintain Monthly Summary Report page is used to submit total monthly salaries and contributions based on payroll actions. (Use Quick Reference Guide for instructions.) There are four tabs:
- Reports tab: Used to enter the monthly payroll salary and contribution information. Once you have submitted your summary report to GDCP, you will not be allowed to change it. If an error has occurred, contact your reporting representative at GDCP and they will assist you with a resolution. This page features a calculate button, which calculates the expected contributions based on the total salary entered and the rate of each contribution component. These amounts can be overwritten to submit exact amounts based on payroll actions. The report total field is read-only and dynamic, and reflects a total of all contribution components entered.
ESD Representative Contact List (file will automatically download) - Invoice tab: Used to apply any outstanding invoices.
- Adjustments tab: Used to submit salary and contribution corrections to an Employee’s account for prior reporting months. This feature is available to Employers who do not have the functionality to submit these adjustments through the monthly contribution detail. Employers who submit adjustments with their detail file data will not be able to enter adjustments on the Adjustments tab.
- Comments tab: Used to submit comments useful to ERSGA in balancing the agency or Employee account.
The deadline to enter and submit the data is the 1st of each month.
Upload Salary Detail File (all Employers using (FTP) File Transfer Protocol)
Upload Salary Detail File is used by Employers who currently upload detail files each month. On the Employer Salary Files page, a list containing the files previously uploaded will be displayed (this is a read-only status page). This process is independent of the monthly reporting process. The file can be submitted at any time. However, the deadline is the 1st of each month. (Use Quick Reference Guide for instructions)
Changes in Employee’s demographic information?
- File Uploaders: Change in HR/Payroll system
- Manual Employers: Change in Monthly Detail Demographics tab
Maintain Monthly Detail (Manual Employers)
This selection is only available to non-statewide agencies who manually create and submit their monthly Employee detail. The Maintain Monthly Detail page is used by Employers each month to enter Employee salary and contributions for submission to GDCP, update Employee information, terminate a Member, or create a new Member. There are five tabs on this page.
- Demographics tab: Used to update or make changes to Employee demographic data.
- Details tab: Used to change the Employee contribution group, job classification, payment reason, payroll frequency, and plan eligibility date.
- Salary and Contribution tab: Used to report monthly salary and contribution data for eligible Employees.
- Comments tab: Used to submit comments useful in balancing the agency or Employee account.
- Summary tab: A read-only overview of the information contained on all the tabs.
This process is dependent on the Monthly Summary Report process, and must be completed prior to submitting the monthly summary report. The deadline to submit this data is the 1st of each month. (Use Quick Reference Guide for instructions)
6.3 Adjustments to Prior Periods
During the reporting process it is sometimes necessary to make corrections to reported data. The reporting official can make corrections to the contribution detail file prior to submitting it on the 1st of each month. In the event the error is not discovered prior to reporting, the reporting official may make the correction so that it is reported with the next report month’s data. This adjustment is referred to as a prior period adjustment.
An Employer may submit an adjustment for the following reasons:
- Changing the salary and contributions previously reported
- Adding salary and contributions previously omitted
- Changing contribution group previously reported
- Changing percent time worked previously reported
Submitting Prior Period Adjustments Electronically
Employers who upload a detail file: Employers with the functionality may submit adjustments to reported salary and contributions within their Employee detail file.
- Statewide Agencies and Technical Colleges: The PeopleSoft module Benefits-Pension Summary/Adjustments provides the functionality for reporting officials to make adjustments to salary and contributions.
- Other Employers: Employers who submit a contribution detail file should check with their payroll file providers to determine the best approach to include prior period adjustments in the Employee detail file.
Reporting officials should ensure that adjustments submitted through the Employee detail file include adjustments to all components:
- salary
- contributions
- percent time worked
Employers entering details manually: Employers who enter Employee detail manually or do not have the functionality to submit adjustments using the Employee detail file can use the Adjustments tab on the Maintain Monthly Summary Report page. These adjustments are submitted with summary report data for the current report month. (Use Quick Reference Guide for further instructions)
Submitting Prior Period Adjustments on Paper
Employers are encouraged to submit adjustment data electronically either online or in the employer detail file, but there are a few exceptions. The following exceptions require an Employer to submit a paper adjustment:
- Statewide Employers and Technical Schools on PeopleSoft should provide a paper adjustment for corrections made to periods prior to 7/2005.
- Missing contributions: If the Employer is unable to recoup all contributions in a single month, they should send a paper adjustment and check for Employee and Employer contributions for the entire amount in arrears.
- Change in contribution group: If the Employer or GDCP discovers that a Member has been reported under the incorrect contribution group after the reported data has been confirmed, the Employer should submit a paper adjustment (for documentation purposes) indicating the months that should be adjusted. GDCP will make adjustments, creating an invoice for any differences.
- Contribution rate error: Employer should submit a paper adjustment indicating the corrected contributions based on the contribution rate for that period.
6.4 Invoices
Invoices are created during the reporting process due to discrepancies between the summary report, contribution detail, or payment remitted. These invoices can be positive, indicating an overpayment, or negative, indicating a shortfall.
Summary Report Discrepancies
Once the reporting official has submitted all components to GDCP, a balancing process is run during which the contribution totals are compared to payment remitted. Invoices are created as a result of differences between the amount of the payment remitted and the total contributions reported on the summary report. These invoices can be positive, indicating an overpayment, or negative, indicating a shortfall.
Contribution Detail Discrepancies
The reported contribution for each individual is compared to the expected contributions. Expected contributions are calculated based on reported salary and the contribution rate for the report month. Contributions are flagged and corrected to expected values. The following scenarios are examples of contribution detail discrepancies:
- Contributions reported for ineligible Employees
- Member reported under the incorrect contribution group
- Contributions reported in error
Allocating or Applying an Invoice
Outstanding invoices are allocated to the current summary report. On the Maintain Monthly Summary Report page, there is an Invoice tab. The Invoice tab page lists all outstanding invoices to be allocated. The Employer selects the invoice to be allocated and clicks the Allocate button.
On the summary report the Employer enters the total of the invoices allocated in the Invoice Adjustment field. Depending on the type of invoice (debit or credit), the amount entered may increase or decrease the report total. Employers should review any outstanding invoices prior to allocating.
Contact ERSGA if your credit invoice total is larger than your report total.
6.5 Special Reporting Situations
No Members to Report
Employers who do not have anyone to report for the current report month must select the Non-Reporter button on the Maintain Monthly Summary Report page.
Death in Service
All Employers must report deceased Members in their monthly Employee detail files (via Employer reporting portal or FTP).
- FTP Employers: Report a detail row with actual salary, percent time, and Employee contributions along with payment reason code 00 for Regular Pay. Include Termination Date (Date of Death) and Termination Reason code 02 for Death.
- Manual Employers:
Salary tab in the Maintain Monthly Detail window, enter salary and percent time. Click the calculate button and save.
Details tab: Enter payment reason code 00 for Regular Pay, use Date of Death for Termination Date, and enter Termination Reason code 02 for Death and save.
Reporting a Member Using an Incorrect SSN
When the reporting official has discovered that an incorrect SSN has been reported, they should immediately contact ERSGA before the correct Employee SSN is submitted in the next monthly Employee detail file. ERSGA will require a copy of the affected Employee’s social security card for documentation and validation to correct the SSN submitted in error.
7. Membership Service
No service is accrued for GDCP Members. Contributions and interest are fully refundable and Members vest immediately.
8. Leaving Employment
Your general responsibilities are to:
- Report Employees’ termination dates
- Inform Employees of their options on termination of employment
Refer Employees to the ERSGA website to access the online GDCP Handbook. They can also access their account online to verify their account balances. If Employees need more information, please ask them to contact ERSGA.
8.1 Termination Process
In order for termination dates to be transmitted to GDCP on the monthly contribution detail file, they must be entered into your HR system in a timely manner. This process could take several weeks from the Employee’s actual termination to the time ERSGA receives this file and updates our records. To expedite this process, ERSGA has provided the Ad Hoc Termination Reporting module on the ERSGA Employer secure portal.
Use this option whenever an Employee will be applying for a refund of contributions or retirement before the next monthly file update. For example, an Employee resigns on February 2, 2023 and wants to apply for a refund. The February 2, 2023 termination date will not be submitted until March 1, 2023. An Employer can use Ad Hoc Termination to supply the termination date in real time, allowing the Member to successfully submit their application for benefits sooner. Salary and contributions must be reported for the Employee through date of termination.
8.2 Application for Refund
A terminated Employee can apply for a refund of accumulated contributions and interest. The Employee’s account must reflect an Inactive status in order to request a refund. The Employee’s account will be updated when the termination date is received by GDCP. The Employee can then access their account information online and request a refund. If the Employee is not registered for an online account, direct them to our website to register for an ERSGA online account.
Refund requests are generally processed within 4 weeks of receipt.
8.3 Application for Retirement Benefit
Members of GDCP who:
- Have terminated state employment
- Have at least $50,000 in their account
- Are at least 65 years old
Have the option of receiving a periodic payment based on the accumulated contributions and interest in their account and on mortality tables as adopted by the Board of Trustees. Applications for this yearly payment are available from ERSGA.
Encourage Employees to request an estimate from ERSGA within six months of their anticipated retirement date. Applications must be received between 30 and 90 days before their anticipated retirement date to ensure timely payment of their first check. Completed applications should be submitted directly to ERSGA and are not valid until received.
Note: Payments are calculated and made in July based on the account balance as of July 1. All retirement dates are effective on the first day of July, and the periodic payment is mailed from ERSGA or direct deposited on the last work day of each July.
When a Member inquires about the retirement application process:
- Direct Employee to the ERSGA website to access their account and to download the latest version of the retirement application.
- Inform Employees that assistance is available for completing the retirement application process.
- Caution Employee that application for retirement by periodic payment is irrevocable.
- Retiree will have no access to funds once periodic payments begin.
- Periodic payment is annual, until balance is paid in full or until death of Member (whichever is first).
- Payment is made based on actuarial life expectancy tables and the amount contributed plus accumulated interest.
Employers will receive an acknowledgement of the retirement application within 10 business days after receipt.
9. Other Benefits
If an Employee dies, a lump sum payment of contributions and interest will be made to the designated primary beneficiary. If the designated primary beneficiary is deceased, payment will be made to the secondary beneficiary. If the secondary beneficiary is also deceased, payment will be made to the Employee’s estate.
9.1 Active Member Death and Survivor Benefit
Employer Responsibilities
- Encourage Members to keep their beneficiary designations updated with current mailing addresses. Failure to do so may cause delay in payment.
- Contact ERSGA as soon as possible upon the death of an active Member.
- Certify current Fiscal Year Contributions
GDCP will require a certified death certificate and completion of benefit applications from beneficiary or family.
9.2 Interest
The rate of interest is determined by the Board of Trustees based upon the return on investments minus administrative expenses. There could be times when no interest is credited due to low return on investments. When applicable, interest is credited monthly.
10. Re-Employment
There are no restrictions on return to employment after retirement.
11. Glossary
This glossary contains terms used in this manual as they apply to ERSGA administration.
11.1 Terms
Accumulated Employee Contributions
The sum of all amounts deducted from the compensation of a Member’s salary and credited to such Member’s individual account in this plan.
Any person designated by the Member to receive a pension, an annuity, a retirement allowance, refund of contributions and interest, or other benefit under the retirement plan.
Defined Contribution Plan
A plan which provides for an individual account for each participant and for benefits based solely on the amount contributed to the participant’s account, intended to be qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, 42 U.S.C. Section 401(a).
GDCP Members include any temporary, seasonal, or part-time Employees of:
- Departments, bureaus, institutions, boards, or commissions of the State of Georgia
- The State Board of Education
- The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia
Excluded from membership are:
- Employees working for an institution who are regularly enrolled and attending classes at that institution who meet IRS student exclusion criteria
- Employees qualified as bona fide independent contractors
- Members of any state board or commission
- Active or retired Employees of ERS, LRS, JRS, or TRS
The state or any department, bureau, institution, board, or commission of the state, the State Board of Education, and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
A standard communication protocol used to transfer files from one computer or network to another.
File Uploaders
Employers who create a payroll detail file and use FTP to transfer that data to ERSGA.
Manual Employers
Employers who do not create a payroll detail file, but manually enter Member payroll detail information on the Employer portal.
Any Employee included in the membership of the plan.
Plan Year
The 12-month period beginning July 1 of each year.
12. Appendix
Departments and Agencies (by Employer Category) Participating in GDCP as of January 1, 2021
12.1 Department of Family and Children Services (DFACS)
127-001 Appling County DFACS
127-003 Bacon County DFACS
127-008 Bartow County DFACS
127-012 Bleckley County DFACS
127-013 Brantley County DFACS
127-014 Brooks County DFACS
127-018 Butts County DFACS
127-022 Carroll County DFACS
127-027 Chattooga County DFACS
127-028 Cherokee County DFACS
127-029 Clarke County DFACS
127-031 Clayton County DFACS
127-038 Coweta County DFACS
127-041 Dade County DFACS
127-044 Dekalb County DFACS
127-048 Douglas County DFACS
127-052 Elbert County DFACS
127-057 Floyd County DFACS
127-060 Fulton County DFACS
127-064 Gordon County DFACS
127-076 Houston County DFACS
127-077 Irwin County DFACS
127-078 Jackson County DFACS
127-080 Jeff Davis County DFACS
127-087 Laurens County DFACS
127-095 Madison County DFACS
127-099 Meriwether County DFACS
127-105 Murray County DFACS
127-108 Oconee County DFACS
127-113 Pierce County DFACS
127-115 Polk County DFACS
127-121 Richmond County DFACS
127-133 Taylor County DFACS
127-141 Troup County DFACS
127-145 Upson County DFACS
127-147 Walton County DFACS
127-148 Ware County DFACS
12.2 Health Departments
128-005 Baldwin County Health Dept
128-008 Bartow County Health Dept
128-010 Berrien County Health Dept
128-017 Burke County Health Dept
128-021 Candler County Health Dept
128-022 Carroll County Health Dept
128-025 Chatham County Health Dept
128-026 Chattahoochee County Health Dept
128-028 Cherokee County Health Dept
128-030 Clay County Health Dept
128-031 Clayton County Health Dept
128-033 Cobb County Health Dept
128-037 Cook County Health Dept
128-038 Coweta County Health Dept
128-044 Dekalb County Health Dept
128-045 Dodge County Health Dept
128-048 Douglas County Health Dept
128-049 Early County Health Dept
128-059 Franklin County Health Dept
128-063 Glynn County Health Dept
128-064 Gordon County Health Dept
128-067 Gwinnett County Health Dept
128-068 Habersham County Health Dept
128-069 Hall County Health Dept
128-076 Houston County Health Dept
128-078 Jackson County Health Dept
128-086 Lanier County Health Dept
128-087 Laurens County Health Dept
128-089 Liberty County Health Dept
128-090 Lincoln County Health Dept
128-092 Lowndes County Health Dept
128-096 Marion County Health Dept
128-099 Meriwether County Health Dept
128-106 Muscogee County Health Dept
128-107 Newton County Health Dept
128-109 Oglethorpe County Health Dept
128-115 Polk County Health Dept
128-118 Quitman County Health Dept
128-120 Randolph County Health Dept
128-121 Richmond County Health Dept
128-124 Screven County Health Dept
128-126 Spalding County Health Dept
128-127 Stephens County Health Dept
128-130 Talbot County Health Dept
128-137 Tift County Health Dept
128-141 Troup County Health Dept
128-148 Ware County Health Dept
128-151B Wayne County Home Health
128-152 Webster County Health Dept
128-154 White County Health Dept
128-155 Whitfield County Health Dept
128-156 Wilcox County Health Dept
12.3 State Colleges and Universities
503-0503 GA Institute of Technology
509-0509 GA State University
512-0512 Georgia Regents University
518-0518 University of GA
521-0521 Albany State University
524-0524 Armstrong Atlantic State University
528-0528 Clayton College & State University
530-0530 Columbus State University
533-0533 Fort Valley State University
536-0536 GA College and State University
539-0539 GA Southern University
540-0540 Georgia Gwinnett College
542-0542 GA Southwestern State University
543-0543 Kennesaw State University
545-0545 N GA College and State University
548-0548 Savannah State University
550-0550 So Polytechnic State University
551-0551 Valdosta State University
554-0554 State University of West GA
557-0557 Abraham Baldwin Agric College
561-0561 Atlanta Metropolitan College
562-0562 Bainbridge College
563-0563 College of Coastal Georgia
569-0569 Dalton College
570-0570 Darton College
571-0571 GA Perimeter College
572-0572 East GA College
573-0573 Georgia Highlands College
575-0575 Gainesville College
576-0576 Gordon College
581-0581 Macon State College
584-0584 Middle GA College
587-0587 South GA College
589-0589 Waycross College
598-0598 Regents Central Office
12.4 Statewide
402 Ga. Dept. of Agriculture
403 Ga. Dept. of Admin. Services
404 Ga. Dept. of Audits
405 Department Of Public Health
408 Office of Comm. of Insurance
409 GA State Finance & Investment Commission
411 Ga. Dept. of Defense
414 Ga. Dept. of Education
415 The Technical College System Of Georgia
416 Ga. Employees Retirement Sys.
418 Prosecuting Attorneys Council
419 Ga.Dept of Community Health
420 Georgia Forestry Commission
422 Office of Planning and Budget
427 Ga. Dept. Of Human Services
428 Ga. Dept. of Community Affairs
429 Dept. of Economic Development
430 Admin. Office of the Courts
432 Ga. Court of Appeals
436 Superior Courts of Georgia
438 Supreme Court
440 Ga. Dept. of Labor
441 Dept. of BH And Developmental Disabilities
442 Georgia Department of Law
444 General Assembly of Georgia
461 Dept. of Juvenile Justice
462 Ga. Dept. of Natural Resources
465 State Board Pardons & Paroles
466 Ga. Dept. of Public Safety
467 Ga. Dept. of Corrections
471 Ga. Bureau of Investigation
474 Department of Revenue
475 Ga. Dept. Of Driver Services
478 Secretary of State
480 Soil And Water Commission
484 Ga. Dept. of Transportation
489 Subsequent Injury Trust Fund
490 State Board of Workers Comp
492 GA Public Defender Standards Council
900 Georgia Building Authority
921 Ga. Correctional Industries
922 George L. Smith II – GWCCA
927 State Road And Tollway Authority
976 GA Regional Transportation Authority
977 Georgia Public Broadcasting
980 GTA Georgia Technology Authority
12.5 Technical Colleges
817 Oconee Fall Line Technical College
818 Okefenokee Technical College
820 Albany Technical College
821 Altamaha Technical College
822 Athens Technical College
823 Atlanta Technical College
824 Augusta Technical College
826 West Georgia Technical College
827 Chattahoochee Tech College
828 Columbus Technical College
829 Georgia Northwestern Technical College
830 Georgia Piedmont Technical College
831 Southern Crescent Technical College
832 Gwinnett Technical College
834 Lanier Technical College
835 Central Georgia Technical College
836 Middle Georgia Technical College
837 Moultrie Technical College
838 North Ga Technical College
841 Savannah Technical College
842 South Ga Technical College
843 Southeastern Technical College
844 Ogeechee Technical College
846 Southwest Georgia Tech College
848 Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
12.6 State Authorities
910-0910 Jekyll Island State Park Authority
926-0926 GA Agricultural Exposition Authority
928-0928 GA Environmental Finance Authority
12.7 Mental Health and Service Centers
129-008 Woodright Industries
129-009 Jessamine Place
129-022 Carroll County MR Services
129-071 Haralson Co. Center (MH/MR/SA)
129-137 Tift County – Diversified Enterprises